Search for tag: "school of art"
Pratt School of Art and Independent Curators International / Collaborative and Transcultural Artistic PracticesHosted by the Dean of the School of Art, Jorge Oliver, this special professional development programming on Collaborative and Transcultural Artistic Practices was presented alongside the '24…
From Ciara Stack
18 plays
Lisa Yuskavage in Conversation with Christopher BedfordPratt Institute’s School of Art presents an evening with Lisa Yuskavage in conversation with Christopher Bedford. For more than thirty years, Lisa Yuskavage’s highly original approach to…
From Pratt Institute
81 plays
Ruddy Roye & Jamel Shabazz in Conversation with Sarah LewisPratt Photography Lectures - Ruddy Roye and Jamel Shabazz in Conversation with Sarah Lewis - 4-18-18
From Pratt Institute
201 plays
AICAD at Pratt 2017 : Student PerspectivesAssociation of Independent Colleges of Art & Design (AICAD) at Pratt Institute Recorded June 16, 2017 in Memorial Hall Auditorium. Student attendees report back on their insights and…
From Pratt Institute
49 plays
Kadir NelsonPratt Presents A Creative Conversation with Kadir Nelson. Moderated by Anita Cooney, dean of the School of Design. A highlight of Alumni Day 2016. Recorded September 17, 2016
From Pratt Institute
74 plays
David Campany“a Handful of Dust” is David Campany's speculative history of the last century, and a visual journey through some of its most unlikely imagery. The exhibition originated at Le Bal,…
From Pratt Institute
504 plays