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  • From Matthew Bray

    1,378 plays 0 is the evolution of single site access to digital tools for the Pratt Community
  • From Nicholas Dease

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    In this video, learn how to search for full text PDFs of Pratt Theses (2020-present). To discover pre-2020 records of theses, search our Thesis Collection.
  • From Pratt Institute

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  • From Pratt Institute

    We hope that you enjoyed the Livestream. The Birds have flown away from the nest, please look out for a highlight video coming soon!
  • From Matthew Bray

    1 plays 7  
    Pratt Birds Nest Summer 2024 Livestream will be live from 9am EST until Sunset daily
  • From Matthew Bray

    1 plays 6  
    Pratt Birds Nest Summer 2024 Livestream will be live from 9am EST until Sunset daily