INTtalk: Public Toilets in NYC with Margot Kleinman
From Tania Branquinho
From Tania Branquinho
Public toilet access in New York City is a major issue regarding a lack of restrooms available, poor maintenance and inconsistent access. This presentation will share the research, findings, and design work of the students from INT731, Public Toilets from Summer 2024.
Whether a traveler, local away from home, or person experiencing homelessness, access to public toilets is something that we all need. Cities globally range in access to public toilets. Some have free toilets, some charge small fees, and some are few and far between. In some cases, civilians can walk into businesses and use the toilet, but regretfully, that is not equal access for all.
As designers, I believe we have a responsibility to use our training to impact the public and improve the public experience. Public toilets are a public right that everyone deserves access to, at all times.
This summer, students in INT731 Public Toilets went on weekly visits to public restrooms and documented their experiences with access, design, and availability. They each conducted community engagement to connect with the public and collect their opinions on a public restroom. They also researched public toilet access and design approaches abroad, and based on all of this research, they proposed a new public restroom for NYC.
Jean Juan, an MFA thesis student and student of the first Public Toilets class in summer 2024, continues to work with Margot developing the research and content for Public Toilets through a Graduate Research Assistantship. Together, they are working on creating a framework for design guidelines to inform NYC public restroom design.
This presentation will begin with sharing findings, and open to conversation to share experiences and collect stories.
Margot Kleinman is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Interior Design Department. She is the founder of Vagus Workshop Inc, an architect, focusing on research, user engagement, public facing and design of education spaces.
Margot’s passion for studying and making an impact in the realm of public toilets began as a traveler, designer in Los Angeles, and grew as a volunteer and advocate with PHLUSH (Public Hygiene Lets Us Stay Human).