Teaching Non-Major Students: Challenges and Possibilities
From ctl account
From ctl account
One common goal of many institutions is to educate their students on a variety of subjects as part of a general education requirement, meaning that students will need to take classes that are not specific to their major. Often, students complain about taking courses that are not directly tied to their major due to multiple reasons, including increased tuition costs and time until degree completion. Most US universities offer core classes, and it is necessary to support instructors in how to best support their diverse students, especially when they come from a completely different field.
Although this session is geared towards faculty who teach general education courses, the concept is applicable to all classrooms. The themes of how to engage students, how to work with students with different preparedness levels, how to teach diverse students, etc. are relevant to all classrooms. Additionally, the creation of a new activity that incorporates a connection to another field can also be used in any course.